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Our Sacred Stories ~ Be Merciful, Just As Your God Is Merciful

Fr. John Jennings

Jesus does not always seem to make sense, at least so it seems. In chapter 6 of Luke’s Gospel, the story begins with Jesus preaching a series of blessing and woes as crowds gather around him.(Luke 6:17-26) This is Luke’s version of what we hear in Matthew’s Gospel as the Beatitudes.(Matt 5:1-12)

What follows is a series of statements on living these blessing (beatitudes). What is said seems so opposite to what normal human behavior might expect. “But I say to you that listen. Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you…..” Does this seem to be what we normally do? Is this normal human behavior?

Perhaps not, perhaps the beatitudes, the blessings, are a challenge to us all, to move beyond what we have come to see as “normal” human behavior. Perhaps Jesus, in the beatitudes is calling us to a different space. He is planting the seed of a new reality, a reality that is God’s dream, God’s reign in our world.

When we were kids if someone hit us, we would normally hit back. This seemed so normal. Behaving in this way was a form of reaction, rather than a response to the event. It came so quickly, without any real thought. As we grow up we discover that such reaction is not always appropriate. How many relationships and friendships have been broken by reaction to what another has done or said? A response calls for more thought and more awareness of all the circumstances involved.

What is true of us as individuals is unfortunately true as well of communities, even of countries. An affront or a threat or an insult brings on a reaction. Throughout history many a war has broken out based on reacting to another’s action. In many, if not most of such situations, not much thought is given to the ultimate effects of such reaction. The results are catastrophic for countries, communities, relationships and even individuals.

As Luke tells us, Jesus speaks on a higher plane. Aware of God’s unconditional love for all, Jesus calls us to reflect such love in all our circumstances. These beatitudes have the practical result of bringing God’s love into our everyday. In particular, they challenge us to listen and respond, rather than react and strike out when tensions build. Building and maintaining bridges in all our relationships, personal and global, is far more life-giving than building walls and reacting with violence.

Whether we are looking at our relationships and friendships or at international affairs, our world is better for the thoughtful, loving, compassionate responses we make as true disciples of Jesus. Starting with ourselves, we are called to build God’s dream of a world that reflects the unconditional love of God for all.

This is not an easy call. “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you…. Be merciful just as your God is merciful.” Difficult, yes, but what a blessing, a beatitude for our world and each one of us!

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